Did you know that annually, over a third of all food bought in the world is thrown away? That’s enough food to feed all the world’s 800 million starving people twice over. The regions guilty of the most food wastage are:
- North America
- Europe
- Industrialised Asia
- Latin America
- North Africa, West & Central Asia
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- South Asia
A lot of this waste (almost a third in every region, to be precise) is due to fresh fruit and vegetables being deemed too unattractive for shoppers to pick up from the shelves, despite being just as healthy and delicious. Each country has its own scale of what is considered a sellable produce and what doesn’t make the cut. Those deemed too curvy, bulbous or slightly off-colour get thrown away to rot. Thankfully, stores across the world have started to sell these foods in “ugly baskets” for a fraction of the price to try to cut down on a huge deal of waste. It’s one solution to the global issue of food waste, but there are lots of things you can be doing at home to help cut down on your food waste. Let’s start by taking a look at what we toss out on the day-to-day.