We’ve all done it.
Browsing through a supermarket or local grocer, picking out fruit and vegetables that look the best to our eyes. But does their appearance really hold any real advantage? Almost 40% of fresh produce is wasted in the UK because consumers find them too weird-looking, when really they’re just as good as the better-looking produce we all yearn for.
Food waste’s detrimental impact on the environment just isn’t worth throwing away perfectly edible food for. From the production of greenhouse gases to the takeover of landfills, we need to tackle it. That’s why we at Grundig have created Respect Food. We have the simple belief that every bit of food should be used to its full potential. We’ve developed Respect Food technologies to help you save your food from the bin. Our VitaminCare Zone fridge recreates the process of photosynthesis and keeps your fruit and vegetables from ageing, no matter how ugly they may be! Find out more about Respect Food and our technologies here.
If it’s just an issue of looks, these 5 pointers can help you remember why it’s worth checking out that peculiar carrot again. The world and your wallet will thank you for it.