Did you know that your freezer is a very effective tool in reducing food waste? An effective use of freezer helps you preserving unused produce as well as upcycling cooked food for new uses.
Dazzled by their beauty, we all tend to buy more fruits and vegetables than we can consume.
However; as all fresh food must perish some point, we all face the same problem: what to do with all this produce before they spoil. Here’re some tips to prevent food waste effectively and efficiently with your freezer.
● Don’t freeze them all at once. Plan your freezing in stages. Spread smaller items such as chopped veggies, beans and berries on a cooking tray while freezing. Once frozen, transfer them to a container. This way you don’t end up with a giant frozen block of veggies.
● Don’t fall for packing frenzy. Some fruits and vegetables don’t need any packing at all. Tomatoes, bananas, peaches are actually better frozen unpacked. Their skins will slip off easily once thawed. Likewise, roots like ginger and turmeric don’t need to be packed either. Once frozen, use a micro grater and shave them directly into your recipe.